الصف السادس


الفصل الثاني


اللغة الإنجليزية

اختبار الكتروني في كتاب اللغة الإنجليزية نموذج 1

1 Honey is collected ............. the beekeeper
2 It's too late at night, my little brother ............. be in bed
3 Last week, I visited Sami and gave him a present. Presents are used for ........... us happy
4 Many kinds of flowers and plants are .............. to give its taste
5 Mobile phones help people to ............ with each other
6 You should ........... a sports club to learn basketball
7 But If you want to go to the first market, .............. the second left
8 careful when you deal with wild animals because they could be dangerous............
9 studies the Earth and the different countries in the world..........
10 I like watching TV ............ with artists and scientists
11 We have ........... hard to do well in our study.
12 Ali has ............ put his books on the shelf.
13 Scientists always do animals first ............
14 Test on unit 7 Science Data Vocabulary:
15 ?...............Our teacher wasn't at school
16 We ............ at home in the morning.
17 A .............. is a place where a helicopter can land
18 My teacher is very ............ . he always helps us
19 The match ............. at 7 o'clock yesterday
20 We are good at ............ English

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