الصف التاسع


الفصل الثاني


اللغة الإنجليزية

اختبار الكتروني درس Grammar الوحدة 11

1 She added that she (..............) many animals that she hadn't seen before
2 Happily, she told me that she ..............a very nice time there
3 I wanted to know if she (..............) her time there
4 My friend said that she ............. the zoo the previous week.
5 I requested him (............) me weekly
6 He answered that he (................) me on my last birthday
7 I asked him when the first time we (............).
8 Really, I’m lucky. Wherever I go, people talk to me. My best friend Marawan said that he (...............) me
9 The officer, then gave him a ticket, and ordered him ............fast again
10 He said that ..............the speed limit
11 A man was arrested yesterday for driving very fast. The officer asked him ...............fast.

أفدني تقدم خدمات تعليمية وليست تابعة لوزارة التربية والتعليم أو أي جهة حكومية

أفدني تقدم خدمات تعليمية وليست تابعة لوزارة التربية والتعليم أو أي جهة حكومية