الصف الحادي عشر


الفصل الأول


اللغة الإنجليزية

اختبار الكتروني درس vocabulary الوحدة الخامسة

1 The prize winner received a book with his name………….…..at the first page
2 It is said that Britain ruled a/an……………..… on which the sun would never set
3 The old man is still mourning for his wife's death she was faithful to him …………………their long life
4 Could you plug this appliance into the …………………………, please?
5 Students ……...……skills through years of learning and training at schools
6 Early written symbols were based on …………………s and ideograms.
7 .................. The address was written in Chinese
8 It is her ...................…. research after I asked her to make the proper adjustment
9 After a sharp………………in sales, the factory manager decided to fire a number of workers.
10 I lead a busy life so my free time is ……………………… to me
11 ……………………… is an ancient system of writing used mainly in old Babylon.
12 …………….. , she realized that he wasn't telling her the truth

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