الصف الحادي عشر


الفصل الأول


اللغة الإنجليزية

اختبار الكتروني درس vocabulary الوحدة الأولى

1 Many Americans felt it was their …………. duty to buy bonds to support the war effort
2 Rainforests are the source of a ……………….. of raw materials with immense potential value to medical science
3 Kuwait ................ a 36-kilometre causeway to link the capital directly with the North
4 The hotel enjoys an/a ………… position overlooking the lake and the mountain
5 The sun was so …………. that it was impossible to even look at its reflection in the water
6 ____________The royal wedding party was followed by unforgettable three days of
7 Reem didn't stay to watch the firework …………….… She was too busy and had to leave
8 ___________By the time the president arrived, a large crowd had
9 Many students are interested in the new ………….…… taught at the university such as engineering
10 I have bought a new ……………. for the bed
11 The shopping …………. during Hala February attracts many people from the Gulf Area

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أفدني تقدم خدمات تعليمية وليست تابعة لوزارة التربية والتعليم أو أي جهة حكومية