الصف السابع


الفصل الأول


اللغة الإنجليزية

اختبار الكتروني النموذج السادس في اللغة الإنجليزية للصف السابع الفصل الأول

1 The best title for the passage is
2 The underlined word "properly" in The "2nd paragraph means
3 There is a pet shop ( ...next to... ) my house
4 The underlined word "they" in they "2nd"paragraph refers to
5 People who like boating can talk to others on shore using
6 Sami is in the sports club, he (.... are play...) tennis with his friends now
7 I enjoy ...........with my friends
8 We need ( ...any...) batteries for our camping trip
9 The soup we ordered yesterday was .... We couldn't eat it
10 It's too windy and cloudy outside, it will ........... rain heavily today
11 There were all pleased when the little girl started to ...... the Holy Quran
12 Parents should support children to show their full .... in life

أفدني تقدم خدمات تعليمية وليست تابعة لوزارة التربية والتعليم أو أي جهة حكومية

أفدني تقدم خدمات تعليمية وليست تابعة لوزارة التربية والتعليم أو أي جهة حكومية