الصف الثامن


الفصل الثاني


اللغة الإنجليزية

اختبارات الكترونية في اللغة الانجليزية (3) للصف الثامن الفصل الثاني

1 I ……………. a picture now
2 It is a big ………………. for children to travel alone.
3 .Always be calm and ……………….. if you face any problem
4 ?What is the main difference between organic and non-organic food
5 :The writer’s purpose of writing this passage is to
6 Children ……………. from diseases in poor countries
7 I have joined summer courses to …………………… my English
8 Watching TV for a long time ……….……….. to health problems
9 Charity and ………………… organizations are built for helping the needy every where
10 Some people think it is difficult ……………….. fit. That's not true
11 Employees , specially mothers, said they would prefer more ………..…… working hours

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أفدني تقدم خدمات تعليمية وليست تابعة لوزارة التربية والتعليم أو أي جهة حكومية