الصف الرابع


الفصل الأول


اللغة الإنجليزية

اختبار الكتروني في دروس كتاب اللغة الإنجليزية(1)

1 Everyone should …………………… his clothes and money to help the poor
2 Kuwait …………………. no mountains or rivers.
3 The horse is jumping …………………. the fence.
4 I was ……………… in 2009.
5 When the father came, Mona and her mum …………………. lunch.
6 Luckily, the police …………….. the thief
7 Ahmad sometimes …………………… the net looking for information.
8 desert is the ……………………. place.
9 What are you ……………………… now
10 ……………… on my mother’s birthday.
11 Mona usually …………………… to music at night
12 My mum likes ………………………. delicious food
13 I was ……………… in 2009.
14 on the door before you enter ..........the room
15 Kuwait lies on the Arabian ……………..
16 When ……………. you born
17 Mum and dad ……………. reading now
18 He ……………. at school yesterday because he was sick.
19 Bees …………………… the honeycomb with honey.
20 The shark is a …………………… sea animal.

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