الصف العاشر


الفصل الثاني


اللغة الإنجليزية

اختبار الكتروني درس Grammar الوحدة السادسة

1 Due to hard work, I was having .....and couldn't keep my eyes open
2 The entire world should do everything to ..... violence and terrorism
3 The ......and fantastic design of the King's palace astonished everyone
4 Our team of dieticians was.......many other international teams to win the prize
5 Birds build their .....on trees and old roofs to keep their eggs safe
6 I need someone to .....my project as it costs much mone
7 The diplomats stayed in .... during their last visit to Spain
8 I ............Ali since we were at high
9 One of the main....of travelling is learning about different cultur
10 You haven't told me about your future ....... .Will you study in London
11 This is ........ storybook I have ever read
12 Ahmed's father was shaking .....anger because of his son's low marks
13 If I were in your shoes, I would show some.....to get the job
14 No need to be ...... about the side effects of this medicine; it's totally safe
15 Many .......from different countries are trying to put an end to terrorism
16 The more you concentrate while driving,........you are
17 Due to the bad weather forecast, we.....go climbing tomorrow
18 My father always takes ......apple for breakfast
19 After all that hard work, your mother ..... special thanks
20 The voice of the....was very familiar, but I couldn't remember him
21 Your blood tests revealed a.........in some key minerals and vitamins
22 The eyewitnesses gave the policeman a detailed .....of the car accident
23 My final exam will be.... Sunday
24 The weather has been awful .....the beginning of the year
25 Some children become .......when they do something wrong

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أفدني تقدم خدمات تعليمية وليست تابعة لوزارة التربية والتعليم أو أي جهة حكومية